Morgans for Pleasure Registration Form


Find all the details of the Morgans For Pleasure Program on the MFP page,

(under Information and Forms)


Complete the form below to register and use the link below to download and save your log-sheet.

The log-sheet may be saved so you can type your information, or printed and hand written.




Morgans For Pleasure Registration Form

Complete this form to register you and your Morgan for the Morgans For Pleasure Program
  • Important Information

    Being a member of the Morgan Horse Association of Australian gives you the opportunity to participate in the M4P (Morgans for Pleasure) Program. This is to award those who don’t necessarily want to compete, but enjoy spending time riding or driving their Morgan horse. You must be a financial member of MHAA for each year hours are logged. You must ride/drive a registered pure or part bred Morgan. Each horse and rider/driver combination must join the MFP program to be eligible for awards. Use a separate log sheet for each combination. The one-off joining fee of just $45 for each combination is non-transferable. Awards are presented at 75; 150; 300; 500; 750; 1000; 1500; 2000; 3000; 3500; 4000; 5000 hours. There is NO LIMIT to the amount of time you take to achieve each award level. Keep a copy of your log sheets (this form may be downloaded from the website) for your own records and send them in, as you reach your milestones, to the MFP Co-ordinator - [email protected].
  • Registration Details of Horse And Rider

  • Please enter the correct spelling of your Morgan horse's name. This may be obtained from the registration certificate or the MHAA Registry
  • This may be obtained from the registration certificate or the MHAA Registry
  • How to pay

    Please deposit your once only fee of $45 to MHAA via Bendigo Bank BSB 633-000 Acct. 106 666 142 with your surname and MFP as reference. PLEASE NOTIFY [email protected] and [email protected] OF PAYMENT
  • Morgans For Pleasure Co-ordinator

    Ruth McGill P O Box 76 Warwick Qld 4370 email: [email protected]
  • Declaration

    By signing below I agree that the MFP program is an honour system and I will record my hours as accurately as possible.
  • Please sign with your mouse or if you are using a touch screen, your finger or stylus
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.