
MHAA Ambassadors

The MHAA is proud to welcome our official Ambassadors of the Association and the Morgan breed. The MHAA Ambassador...

Leambro Morgans Stud Profile

  I have always loved horses and everything about them; smell, touch and feel. Our trip to the 2011...

Aussie Bred Morgan sold to USA

Cockatoo Park Morgans (Warwick, Queensland) is very proud and excited to announce that our superb pure bred Morgan gelding,...


Marvelous Encore (1987 – 2015),(Imp 1994). Rygate Major X Moro Hills Royrita. Black/Bay Pure Bred Morgan Stallion Since his...

Volume 1 of Australian Morgan

Australian Morgan For those who love Morgans and those who are yet to discover them… An annual journal of...

Equitana Wrap Up

Equitana Sydney, 2013, was an extremely successful event for the Morgan Breed in Australia. Stallions, Watching Royalty and RanchBoss...

Dressage success

Purebred Morgan Stallion Killara Lodge Oops has worked his way into the ranks of the Top Ten ponies in...

Morgans on Display

Morgan horses are on display at EKKA Brisbane 8th to 17th August. Come and meet our beautiful Morgan horses....