Beccara Lloyd & Watching Royalty – our Experience
Melbourne Equitana 20th – 23rd November 2014
Melbourne Show Grounds, Equitana was a huge success as always and great promotion for the MHAA & our Breed!
The MHAA had a stand in the Kelato Breed Village at Equitana.
Our Morgans were on display for the four days, they were taken out of the village and put onto the public arenas for various displays and performances throughout the four days.
We had a lovely line up of Morgans for our breed village and displays.
I took my stallion Watching Royalty, he went in various ridden demonstrations for dressage & the breed over the two days.
Roy (Watching Royalty) also competed in Equitana Horse of the Year, judged by three international judges, its a breed competition of all 20 different breeds of horses, scored individually for their conformation & type true to their breed judging standards.
Roy made it into the top five out of twenty horses! One of the Judges from the USA, who has met Roy before and has a long association with Morgans & the AMHA, came back to our stables and had a quiet word to me about Roy and that he thought Roy was in the top 3!!
He mentioned how fond he is of our breed and the quality of Morgans in Australia and how much of a great job we are all doing for the breed, such wonderful feed back.
Roy boy was a super cool over the two days, showing the hundreds of people who walked past and popped in to meet him personally, just how fantastic the Morgan breed really is.
We get so many comments about how relaxed and un-fazed a ‘stallion’ is around other horses and the crowds of people. My response is, he just wants a pat & to be a part of it, he loves being around people and putting on a show!
We were met back at our stables by a lovely fellow named George Canty from AIS Horse Insurance, (whom we insure Roy with) George mentioned he had been looking for Roy, he wanted to meet him in person and inspect him.
After this we were offered the opportunity to become a part of their advertising campaign on the back cover of one of the biggest Horse magazines in Australia, Horse Deals….
What an amazing opportunity for promotion of the breed… So now Watching Royalty as of Jan 2015 is proudly on the back cover of Horse Deals.
It was really great to meet some new faces or put faces to names of our Facebook friends that we have chatted to online and discussed our beloved Morgan’s with.
Kerry Hill & Mt Tawonga Campbell, doing their tricks the crowd adored it.
Dana Frew and the striking Haymeron Park Oro Strauss, thanks Dana I think the public really loved seeing your beautiful Palomino Morgan!
We were also lucky enough to have Linda Shore & Ranch Boss Cortez in the master class for western dressage.
We also had Nicola Larpent and her purebred Morgan Tredway Fare competing in the Sport Horse Australia showcase, it was fantastic to watch you guys Nicola!
I wanted to say a huge big thank you to everyone for volunteering their time and helping out with organising and manning the stands for the MHAA, we truly are a unique and ‘family’ like Association and it’s very special and wonderful to be a part of.