Champion Horse ”Leambro Somelikeithot”
Steve and Leonie Smith of Leambro Morgan Stud are very proud of their recent news from AMHA.
Leambro Somelikeithot (Sammy) has just been awarded the Champion Title Award by the American Morgan Horse Association.
Over the course of Sammy’s showing career, we already had all his results recorded through the Dilutes Australia point booklets. So we decided to send his results to the American Morgan Horse Association to see if he would be eligible for their Champion Title Award Program. Much to our surprise we were advised that he was eligible, and from there the process began. After many emails back and forth, proof of results signed by judges from every result recorded proved to be what was necessary. The scrutineering began, points were audited and finally with much anticipation we received the email advising that Leambro Somelikeithot was awarded the title of Champion.
It is certainly a humbling thought just to be considered for such a prestigious award. But to be advised that our little Sammy from Leambro Morgans at Lanefield, Queensland, had been awarded the title of Champion was something we never imagined was within our reach.
It was achieved by an accumulation of points and numbers of entries in Morgan Sanctioned Events and Classes only. We all know catching classes with Morgan numbers is hit and miss but our results tallied up and under the scrutiny of the judge’s panel of the AMHA.
Leambro Somelikeithot is one of two Morgan horses currently in Australia to have earned this title and the only Australian bred Morgan in Australia to have the Champion title.
There are approximately 370 Morgans in the United States with the titles of either Champion or Grand Champion and now two of those names belong to the Aussies.
For information on this title please see this link:
Wendy Brown